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Grasses in India

Grasses in India
India has a wide range of grass species, both native and introduced. These grasses are important for various ecosystems such as forests, grasslands, wetlands, and agricultural lands. Some key grasses include:

1. Indian Grass Species

Cenchrus ciliaris (Buffelgrass): A drought-tolerant grass, often found in arid and semi-arid regions.


Andropogon spp. (Andropogons): Includes species like Andropogon gayanus, found in dry and semi-dry regions, contributing to forage for livestock.
Panicum maximum (Guinea Grass): A tropical grass species widely cultivated for fodder in India.

Andropogon glomeratus (bushy bluestem) | CABI Compendium
Setaria spp. (Foxtail Grass): Common in pastures and grasslands, this grass is also used for forage.

Setaria verticillata (bristly foxtail) | CABI Compendium
Eleusine indica (Goosegrass): A common weed grass found in lawns and fields across India.
Observation: Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. (Oliveira Vander Mar 24, 2021)  Southern South America - Pl@ntNet identify
2. Wetland Grasses:

Scripus spp. (Bulrushes): Found in wetlands and marshy areas.
Phragmites australis (Common Reed): A tall grass found in wetlands, playing an essential role in preventing soil erosion and providing habitat for wildlife.

bulrush Scirpus spp.

3. Forest Grasses:

Themeda triandra (Kangaroo Grass): Found in tropical and subtropical forests, this grass is part of the natural flora in many parts of India.

Themeda triandra Forssk. | Plants of the World Online | Kew Science



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