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6 Himalayan Vultures and black-eared kite released into the wild from VCBC, Assam

6 Himalayan Vultures and black-eared kite released into the wild from VCBC, Assam

In a significant conservation effort, six migratory Himalayan vultures (Gyps himalayensis) and a Black-eared Kite (Milvus lineatus) were successfully released into the wild from the Vulture Conservation Breeding Centre (VCBC), Rani, Kamrup. The release, carried out by the Assam Forest Department and Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS), marks a critical step in avian rescue and rehabilitation.

The birds, rescued in May-June 2024 from Kamrup and Lakhimpur districts, underwent intensive care and treatment at VCBC. The time of release, on 13 December 2024, coincides with the winter migration of Himalayan vultures to Assam, increasing the chances of these birds reuniting with their relatives.

The release event was attended by Range Officer Rani Roji Barman and VCBC Director Dr. Sashin Ranade, who highlighted the importance of such coordinated efforts to protect endangered migratory species. Notably, all released birds were banded with leg rings, enabling wildlife photographers and researchers to monitor their movements and survival in the wild.

This conservation success showcases Assam’s commitment to protecting its avian guests and strengthens efforts in safeguarding migratory routes.


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